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Senad Drpljanin

PXM Founder & CEO PXM Master Trainer

Fun Fact!

Senad qualified for 2020 Crossfit Games as a national champion of Macedonia thus the title "2020 Fittest in Macedonia"!


CF LvL 2

CF Gymnastics

FMS - Functional Movement Systems


Brand X Method Basic Kids Course

About Coach

I moved to the US from Macedonia in 2012 with the career goal of becoming a personal trainer. After some skeptcism, I tried CrossfFit while working out in a friend's garage gym. Once I moved to Chicago in 2013, I officially joined a Crossfit gym. Having the background in waterpolo and kickboxing, the intensity of training was not foreign to me! I slowly allowed the concept of CrossFit community to be integrated into my training, eventually letting the sport become part of my lifestyle. In 2014, I became a coach, and it has been a rewarding journey ever since, culminating in me becoming a co-owner of PXM Fitness in 2018.

Turning Point

While finishing Law School, I was offered a coaching position at the kickboxing club I was a member at the time. I soon noticed a greater excitement for my evening coaching gig than practicing law. I decided to quit Law School and move to the US for a more serious career in fitness. When I discovered Crossfit, I thought I was in a “great shape”. And then on my first CrossFit class, I was introduced to the notorious “Fran”. I still remember saying to the coach: ”I got this, my pull ups are fine, strong legs, 95lbs ... light weight,” ... the coach reacted with a smirk: ”yeah buddy, you'll crush it". After 11 mins of gasping for air, I realized that my “great shape” had many flaws that I had to work on, ranging from a general understanding of my body, lack barbell control, proper breathing, etc. After 4 years, I am still learning and excited to see how much more I can push my physical and mental capacity!

Motivation & Specialty

Helping people transform their lives through fitness has always been my biggest "Why". I believe that fitness is a broad science and, at times, wrongly misunderstood and compartmentalized. To understand what best suits our clients, first we must educate and trigger curiosity. Teaching people how to keep an open mind, have the patience to play the long game and giving them the confidence to explore and enjoy fitness are my main priorities. Fitness means freedom, and only through courage and practice, we are able to experience it. At PXM I use general Crossfit and Core Classes to share that experience with others.

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